August Townhall | Submit your questions HERE

This townhall is happening on Twitter Space:

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NFT’s craze is on peak. Can we see any features regarding NFT store/purchase/sell/marketplaces :eyes: in near future? What steps have been taken till now to appreciate NFT trend?

Address: 0xd3784Cfaf0471B99F37C339Db3D302E8a13B1A7a


Mask network build nft in future ?

Twitter : @CryptoXpirate

Addres : 0xF694ffA78947d399eedF26855B8D2463ce8F8C81

With a mask you can fund on gitcoin, but is there a way to reduce gas costs through a mask?




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As a social token, how can mask maintain its advantages?


Thank you for your amazing questions, and your support to Mask Network.
Please DM your shipping address, the surprise gift is on the way :red_car:
See you all in September Townhall :wink:

Thank you. This made my week :heart:

Shall I message here or on Twitter? Also do you need the shipping address or mask address?

:blush:Please DM me your shipping address on forum.

Thanks to the team of Mask
My question is how is mask making it useability very adaptable especially to region or continent that have a high need for solution which mask is building

For example some countries in Africa and Asia or South America have more to reclaim from tyrant rulers, who continue to silence the opinions of the masses, but with mask service one can easily communicate and decode the content without fear of an oppressive regime

So is mask making it easy for people in this continent like Africa able to use mask looking at there current device common for communication or online presence

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2010年至2019年,区块链处于混沌状况,大家都在探索如何实现区块链。2020-2021区块链从概念到实际落地,有实际应用,大家不再处于炒作空气状况。2022年,或者是Social Fi 带领区块链慢慢走向普及。区块链社交非常有前景。加油,希望大家在社交赛道上得到成长。


I’m getting an error saying you can’t sent personal message for that user when I try to DM you


Hi Sagarvd, sorry for the inconvenient. you could DM the @realmasklover on twitter with screenshot of your forum account.

Thank you. I sent a DM on twitter with address and screenshot. My twitter username is also Sagarvd01

Contrarian thought with respect to mask states that the encryption that is imbued within mask is nothing different from the encryption offered already in many available apps. What is it that makes mask fundamentally utilitarian in this regard?
