September Townhall | Submit your questions HERE

Last month, our ITO contract successfully passed the SlowMist security audit.

And we have bought Cryptopunks #6128 and 2 loot bags for the MaskDAO treasury.

The mask extension is now updated to v1.37.1. And we have an exciting new function to be updated called NFT avatars which you can set NFTs you own on ERC-20 as your Twitter avatar.

The September Townhall will be on the technical side and we discuss Mask 2.0 and Storage for Web 3.0.

You could write down your questions about Mask technical development, ecosystem, or something related to Mask 2.0 to Suji, Yisi, or the Mask team members. We will randomly pick 10 questions, and those whose questions were chosen will get our special gifts.

Please note that getting replied on this page does not mean you are qualified for the special gifts. We appreciate your enthusiasm, thank you for supporting Mask Network.

We will hold the Townhall at Twitter space, and you could also watch it live on Discord.

P.S. Twitter Space works better on mobile devices!

Come join us.

Check out the previous townhall:


The new NFT tab is an underrated addition to the twitter extension. It’s should be talked about more, what features are planned to expand its interaction with twitter’s app?

Can all NFTs be used for profiles .Will there be a mask that supports Android in the future?

I see 2 new blockchains (xDai, Arbitrum) have been added to the plugin. When will blockchains like Solano, Avax be added? Will it be added? Thanks.

yes we are all waiting for mask 2.0 to come, maybe many people don’t know what mask 2.0 is about? and what features will be developed in mask 2.0?

Finally,MASK 2.0 is coming, has been looking forward it for a long time, in my understanding, it is more like a platform, can collect various functions, if I have a good idea, but there is no programming basis, what is the best way to achieve this idea?

We sure excited about mask 2.0, everyone sure want to know what mask 2.0 about? And since mask look’s like very interesting about NFT, what will mask do about NFT? Will we get NFT-mining / NFT-marketplace / NFT-GAME in the future?

Have you considered that the mask has a platform dedicated to ido or ito?

When will the V2 version originally planned to be launched in August? What function will mask launch next?

一直很关注mask network要做的事情,我的理解是在web2.0已有的社交模式上通过插件扩展的方式引入区块链,这样更容易被接受,最初的推广不会特别困难,发展的过程会更平滑。

但是最近有看到一个孵化中的新项目:MuseX是一个 Web3 时代的内容管理协议。只需一个以太坊账户,你就可以创建和分享文本、图片、音乐、播客、视频等内容,而不需要任何 gas。创作者可以随时将他们的内容铸造成NFT,以便在他们愿意的时候加入所有权经济。Web3 时代是创作者经济的时代,但只有创作者能够建立内容所有权,创作者经济才能完美运作。通过 Musex 发布的内容是真正属于你的,就像你钱包里的资产一样。


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上次的ITO测试是基于BSC上 由社区成员自发组织的 你也可以尝试发起一次ITO 然后和其他人分享参与测试


What will be the focus of Mask Team’s work after Mask 2.0?


Its awesome mask v2.0

How do your project plan to onboard the development of NFTs and how do your project plan to combine it with DeFi?


what will filcoin bring to mask network, what is storage for web 3.0?

My second questions;

Do you have any plans to add mask network support to tweetdeck? Some users like me may be following the agenda on tweetdeck.
